See and hear the monster on YouTube

I just uploaded two videos, and I hope to upload some more. The videos are on YouTube. Of course, the rest of the group deserves some credit, but I can't remember the names of the trumpet players or the trombone player. This picture was in the local newspaper, The Bradford Era, the next day.

In some of the videos I am playing the trombone part on a euphonium. In all the quintet videos my mother is playing the (french) horn part on a horn and my father is playing the tuba part on his monster BBb/EEE tuba. It has been nearly 20 years since the day this video was made. The link takes you to a tuba solo written by Georges Barboteu and performed by Dr. Frederick J. Young in Smethport, PA, USA.

2 Responses to "See and hear the monster on YouTube"

Oneba, Tuba and Amoeba (visit their site)

I have my doubts about the link above, but to get to all the videos, visit my YouTube channel (I can't believe that someone on YouTube already took MonsterTuba).

Anonymous (visit their site)

It is the best performance ever!