08 April 2012

See and hear the monster on YouTube

I just uploaded two videos, and I hope to upload some more. The videos are on YouTube. Of course, the rest of the group deserves some credit, but I can't remember the names of the trumpet players or the trombone player. This picture was in the local newspaper, The Bradford Era, the next day.

In some of the videos I am playing the trombone part on a euphonium. In all the quintet videos my mother is playing the (french) horn part on a horn and my father is playing the tuba part on his monster BBb/EEE tuba. It has been nearly 20 years since the day this video was made. The link http://youtu.be/pdb3LHRv4YQ takes you to a tuba solo written by Georges Barboteu and performed by Dr. Frederick J. Young in Smethport, PA, USA.


  1. I have my doubts about the youtu.be link above, but to get to all the videos, visit my YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/MonsterTubaBBbEEE (I can't believe that someone on YouTube already took MonsterTuba).

  2. It is the best performance ever!
